Thursday, September 29, 2011

Read your story in your Timeline in Facebook

I was just thinking yesterday, whether I can read my wall posts that I posted in Facebook, when I first joined Facebook in 2007. I don't really remember the exact date, that I joined Facebook. But I was curious to find out the date. One of my fellow blogger was referring to Timeline app in Facebook, that would show the history of our activities in Facebook. I tried it and it worked. Let me share it with you, so that you can do the same and relive the moments again. You got to click here to read the post in my professional blog.

Look at the screenshot that shows the date of my joining. Isn't it fun to find out the status updates, shares and friends that we added few years back?

And 2009, was the most happening year with my Internet Cafe business. Had a very memorable rendezvous with the policing system of our nation. I had to remove the blogs, later, to the much relief of my friends. Look at the reference in this screen shot. And that is Philip and Laky, my friends. I love you, guys. He is my client Patrick Schwerdtfeger.

And take a look at my post here for the most interesting update in 2009.

2010 was a transition period. I had to make a decision on my Business, since the owner of the building was keeping on giving me an ultimatum to vacate the place. And I was finding it difficult to find a place that suit my budget.

2011 is going strong with increase in the number of my clients and decrease in the amount of time that I spend in Farmville. My crops are withered and I find no time to tend to my farm since last week.

I was happy to have received Birthday wishes and cards, from friends from all around the world.

Do you, want to use this app to take a look at the profile in your timeline? Click here.

Luv u all
My Workplace
My Services
My Official Blog Posts My Client - Patrick, The Great Speaker
My Client - Aditya, The Upcoming Scientist
My Client - Mark Peysha, Director of the Tony Robbins Films
My Client - Brian K. Gillman, Entrepreneur
My Client - Tobias Wegenast, Experiential Leadership Development
My Client - Karen Waksman, The Great Speaker
My Client - Sarah Tolson, Certified Financial Planner
My Client - Mike Mastracci, attorney and counselor at law
My Client - Jennifer Fink, a Certified Professional Photographer
My Client - Amy Alvis,estate planning
My Client - Kim McAtee, Realtor
My Client - Sean Coleman, entrepreneur, engineer, and social hacker
My Tweets

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