Friday, June 3, 2011

Who is Uma Mahi?

My Client Tobias Wegenast – is a Management Consultant. He conducts workshops and impart training on Personality Development and also offer corporate management solutions. And am thoroughly enjoying analyzing his candidates’ training results and preparing Reports for his candidates.
I took the questionnaire on myself and analysed my personality traits. Frankly, it did help me to get an insight into my personality.
Want to know my personality trait? Am an ESTJ.
People who prefer EXTROVERSION like to focus on the outer world of people and activity. They direct their energy and attention outward and receive energy from interacting with people and from taking action.
People who prefer SENSING like to take information that is real and tangible – what is actually happening. They are observant about the specifics of what is going on around them and are especially attuned to practical realities.
People who prefer to use THINKING in decision making like to look at the logical consequences of a choice or action. they want to mentally remove themselves from the situation to examine the pros & cons objectively. They are energized by critiquing and analyzing to identify what’s wrong with something so they can solve the problem. Their goal is to find a standard or principle that will apply in all similar situations.
People who prefer to use their JUDGING process in the outer world like to live in a planned, orderly way, seeking to regulate and manage their lives. They want to make decisions, come to closure, and move on. Their lives tend to be structured and organized, and they like to have things settled. Sticking to a plan and schedule is very important to them, and they are energized by getting things done
Isn’t this interesting? What is yours? 

Luv u all
My Workplace
My Services
My Official Blog Posts My Client - Patrick, The Great Speaker
My Client - Aditya, The Upcoming Scientist
My Client - Mark Peysha, Director of the Tony Robbins Films
My Client - Brian K. Gillman, Entrepreneur
My Client - Tobias Wegenast, Experiential Leadership Development
My Client - Karen Waksman, The Great Speaker
My Client - Sarah Tolson, Certified Financial Planner
My Client - Mike Mastracci, attorney and counselor at law
My Client - Jennifer Fink, a Certified Professional Photographer
My Client - Amy Alvis,estate planning
My Client - Kim McAtee, Realtor
My Client - Sean Coleman, entrepreneur, engineer, and social hacker
My Tweets

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